Friday, August 24, 2012

5 Best Songs to Learn on Piano |

You want to learn a new song on the Piano but your stuck. You can't think of a song you want to learn. I've put together a list of 5 essential songs on the piano that all players should learn at some point. So if you're stuck for something to learn why not consider one of these.

I've chosen three songs for beginners and two for more intermediate players so players of all skill levels can find something here.

Hey Jude

Most of us have heard this classic Beatles song. Opening with straight forward piano chords it's one of the best pop songs ever written on the instrument. While the song may sound complex it's really not that difficult for beginners who know a few songs already to pick up. Once you know the chords figuring out the pattern isn't that tough.

Don't Stop Believing

Some people view this song as cheesy, personally I like it. This pop stadium rock song was probably the band Journey's biggest hit. It's been covered by many bands, including the hit TV show Glee and also used as the outro for the final episode of the HBO TV series, The Soprano's. The intro is great fun to play and if you can carry a tune while you're playing piano this is a fun one to sing as well.

November Rain

Probably not an easy song for beginners to learn but Guns N Roses November Rain was and still is a huge hit for the band and main piano player Axl Rose. It's a beautiful piano part during the verses and it continues through out the song. You can find versions of this song to play it in a stripped down piano only version online.

Let it Be

Another great Beatles tune, Let it Be is a staple for all beginners. Like Hey Jude this song may sound more difficult to play then it actually is. The chords are pretty straight forward and there aren't too many difficult parts beyond that. You can find the basic piano chords online and then listen to the song a couple of times to pick the progression out by ear.

Bohemian Rhapsody

When you think of this song you might not think of it as a piano tune, how ever watch a live performance of this song and you'll see Eddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen, playing the piano through a good portion of the song. There are versions online you can find which create some simple piano parts to play during the more complex electric guitar parts of the song.

This is another great song to sing and play if you are able to do it.

Face Cream Reviews - 3 Great Face Creams |

Because of the latest boom in beauty care product advertising, a lot of consumers have started wondering which face applications are truly worth the money and which ones are only a lot of marketing. Although there is no shortage of beauty manufacturers that you can buy, there are numerous facial creams that are not so good - plus some that are really well worth the cost.

When you're investigating facial area lotion reviews, do not forget that ones face will be the only section of you that others view on a daily basis, so taking great care of your skin should not be forced to wait until eventually you are elderly. Listed below are three excellent face creams which are ideal for individuals of nearly every age, as well as being an all-around good value:

LifeCell Skin Cream - This product has not gained all the promotion as several other companies on the market today, however the many advantages of LifeCell skin lotion make it a hit among the Hollywood stars and make-up artists. Even though almost all anti-ageing treatments target reducing the appearance of a single manifestation of ageing, LifeCell skin treatment was designed to eliminate everything which make skin appear old. While it is promoted as an anti-aging lotion, employing LifeCell years earlier is among the very best steps which it is possible to do to really eliminate the appearance of ageing skin. LifeCell’s one-of-kind formula is great for always keeping skin moisturized and healthful no matter what your actual age.

Meaningful Beauty - Advertised in the media by personalities such as Cindy Crawford and Valerie Bertinelli, Meaningful Beauty is one of the treatments which actually lives up to its advertising. Produced from an extract coming from a specific type of melon, Cindy Crawford brings her perpetually youthful visage to the item, which was designed by a famed European skin doctor. The particular line includes items created to remedy particular ageing worries - which ranges from facial lines to thinning lips - along with cleansers and skin ointments for day-to-day application. Meaningful Beauty is ideal for people who choose to work with a matched line of skincare merchandise for all of their individual beauty care demands.

Renuvie Advanced Night Repair - Yet another brand name which seems to have not received as much marketing consideration as its competitors, Renuvie Advanced Night Repair is one of the first manufacturers to use so called nanotechnology. The concept guiding Renuvie’s nanotechnology is the fact that ingredients within the lotion will be better digested in the skin to improve assimilation making the products stronger. This product is ideally utilized in conjunction with a day time anti-aging skin product, because Renuvie is designed to be utilized at bedtime. Interestingly, the combination of substances has shown that it is capable to decrease the look of wrinkles.

Whatever face lotion you select, remember that the neck likewise benefits by using a high-quality skin cream. Always keeping the skin on your throat appearing youthful can help you retain that total younger look which you're trying to create. The optimum time to start employing an anti-ageing skin treatment system is now, and here are three great skincare lotions which will allow the skin to feel and look its best.

History of 60s Music | - Free Articles - Article ...

The decade of the 1960's presented social and political changes that had never been seen before. In addition to this, 60s music changed the direction of popular music and Americana as a whole. This decade forever changed America, and it was the young generation, or Baby Boomers that made it happen. After World War II, there was a dramatic increase in the population. An entire generation of young men had returned to the United States and found that the entire country had been transformed from the economically depressed area they once had left, to an economic goliath. Many of them used their G.I Bills to get an education and the country was flush with new jobs. Couples were able to settle down and start a family and they did so in astonishing numbers.

It was, supposedly, the perfect existence. The nuclear family lived in comfort. The patriarch had a good job to provide for his family and the loving wife stayed at home to raise the children. The children grew up in a world that was quickly shrinking. Radio and television were becoming permanent fixtures in every home. This technology introduced the Baby Boomers to the music of the 60s. Some of the big names in early 60s music all came out of one recording studio, the Sun Record Company, based out of Memphis, Tennessee. Artists like Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis and Roy Orbison all got their start at the Sun Record Company. Many of them followed the method introduced by Presley. His music was a mixture of gospel, blues and hillbilly music. B.B. King, who is perhaps the greatest blues musician of all time, knew of Presley long before he became famous. Presley combined blues, gospel, and hillbilly music to help create a new form of music ... Rock and Roll.

His first recordings were in 1953, and he made one of his first big breakthroughs in 1956 with his appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. His style was so unique and attractive to the Baby Boomer generation that it helped to influence and direct cataclysmic changes in music genre. The Baby Boomers were the primary fans of 60s music, and their support was what drove other artists, like the Beatles, to develop a new style that would mark their generation as unique. Music is a cultural and social expression of the people, and that was never truer than in the case of 60s music. Baby Boomers' musical choices reflected the postmodern political and social upheavals of the time, including the assassination of a president, an unpopular war, the civil and women rights movements, and the Cold War. It was the music that remains as a lasting representation of their legacy.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mafia Wars Facebook Cheat Code |

How do we end up on level 200 in days? How do we get Billions and even TRILLIONS of dollars in our accounts?And why the heck cant I win a fight -or STOP someone from robbing me?

Honestly- Big Time players have found awesome Strategies and Codes - and more.

Good for them -you wont have to get beaten, robbed and frustrated trying to figure out Secret Codes that most players will never show you of. Read this 'Cheat Code' manual I am about to describe- and you will Never lose to another Mafia Wars gamer for the rest of your time playing Mafia Wars!
This guide will help many gamers -The'Dominate Mafia Wars' Secret Tips Guide will show you how you can dominate Mafia Wars quickly -and you will look like you have been playing Mafia Wars for YEARS And tons more.
By learning the 'Mafia Wars' Game and the best gamers as often as possible- This guy was able to find a huge amount of cheats and tricks that would make him a top Mafia Boss on the game. He simply gained understanding from other gamers and used it to totally beat them before they knew what happened.

Before he knew it, Jensen was swamped with questions from everyone, wanting his secrets and cheat codes, Jensen has decided to share ALL of his Cheats. Packed with all the Secrets that are used to create the best Mafias possible.How to win ALL your fights.. And TONS more of the best secrets and cheats. And great thing about this Mafia Wars Facebook Cheat Code handbook is that all the secrets and cheats are completely safe.
You can use the Cheat Codes ALL the time -and never fret about your status - These Cheats and Secrets are known by VERY FEW.
Here's a quick look at whats inside:

DOUBLE Godfather Points robotically
VERY location of Weapons/Tools that every person wants -but are utterly complicated to get
How to grow your mafia -WITHOUT blasting out invites all the time
Why 99% of players apply the WORST methods for building Mafias
How a lesser level player can Stockpile Godfather points instantaneously
A SECRET Tactic for getting TONS of players to join your Mafia
The secret Cheat that stops Top gamers from losing fights Also, getting Robbed
Hear EVERY SINGLE Loophole for using Godfather Points to your benefit
3 Step plan for mastering EVERY level and job quicker THAN everybody

This Cheat Guide the Top Cheat Code Book to be had - and it is great for ALL the various Mafia Wars platofrms too -NOT JUST Facebook. You wont have to take along time to create a hard hitting Mafia -and you will NEVER get kicked off or violate ANY rules.

And ofcourse there are you will acquire UPDATES for ever.

I have seen different Mafia Wars Guides -but they provide the BEST Secret Codes and Mafia Wars cheats that the 'Dominate Mafia Wars' Cheat Code guidebook does. Most of them leave out the top Cheats -or they offer the cheats that will get you banned from Mafia Wars.

I continually vouch for the original Mafia Wars Cheat Code guide manual - If you would like to check it out here is the link:

WoW Macros better communication |

The wow gold recommends at for this article which focuses on details how to communicate better through WoW Macros. For both social and gaming situations, communication between players is vital. It is obviously a important issue we must concern on how to achieve efficient interaction through the use of WoW Macros. look around the world of warcraft community and find this good article for your reading.It is written originally by 'SP Clark', who must be a smart wow player surround us.Let's follow this outstanding author and see what exciting guides he can bring to us.

You would not necessarily put Communication and Macros together, however there are many ways to communicate through the means of Macros within World of Warcraft. From raid warnings right through to exchanging a ‘hi’ with friends, Macros offer alternative means to screaming ‘attack them!’ down the end of a microphone. And lets face it, we all know someone who maybe needs turn their microphone volume all the way down…

The /say Command
Unlike many items that have cooldowns or a limit on the amount you can use them, social commands do not have such inconveniencies. This allows you to be sociable the whole day by simply pressing a few buttons! The simplest social commands (that were also explored in part 1) are the emotion commands. For example, if you were to come across your guild leader and perhaps wanted to appear happy to see him, you could use to following Macro:

/say Hello best guild leader in the world!

Both commands will occur at the same time when you press the button for this particular macro. Being a social butterfly just got a whole lot easier!

While in a raid or a large group, it is advisable that the leader of the group acquaints him or herself with warning Macros. Within a raid the Macro to give a raid warning for the whole group to see is ‘/rw’. For example, if the raid leader was in charge of when the raid attacked, he or she would write ‘/rw Start Attacking Now!’ into the Macro window. Now every time the raid were to engage in battle, the raid leader would simply press a button instead of typing in the command. Raid leaders have enough to worry about without checking their spelling and punctuation every time they type.

Macro warnings can also be useful in PVP. In both Battlegrounds and Arenas, communication is the key to success. However, due to the fast-pace battles within PVP, players often do not have enough time to be writing warnings. Just the same way raid leaders do, people participating in PVP should be ready to create Macros in order to help out their teams mates. There’s no ‘I’ in Macro!

Do not Over do Communication Macros
Many new players just learning about the wonderful world of Macros tend to overuse them. It is tempting to constantly spam a saying or an emote (enthusiastic gnomes are the best!) but for the rest of us, it can be extremely tedious. Most people playing have seen it all before, and will not be impressed. Also, watch out if you are thinking of constantly spamming a Macro (especially in the Trade channel within cities) because Blizzard has now made it extremely easy for players to report with a click of a button. A few spam reports and you will get a serious talking to from the guys upstairs.

Although this article represent some of points you may disagree,most of them are very honest and is good at communicating with wow macros.Whatever you can find good points or guides here,Game2guide is persisting in providing you good guides on any scale acround World of Warcraft Macros.Please continue to pay attention to our latest published wow macros.

PSP Repair Guide - Fix Your Own PSP |

PSP is without a doubt one of the most popular portable multimedia gaming devices ever. Even though this is true, the PSP can run into several problems that would need to be fixed. This article will take a look at a PSP Repair Guide to see if it would be worth having if you are PSP owner.

The PSP Repair Guide is a guide that was written to fix any problem that may occur with your PSP. It takes a detailed look at some of the most common and not so common issues that one may encounter with their PSP. Such things as: how to get rid of that blue screen of death, how to fix a cracked screen or how to downgrade or upgrade your PSP firmware.

This guide not only gives you the ability to fix your own PSP, it gives you the opportunity to make some extra cash by charging others to fix theirs or by buying broke PSP's, fixing them and reselling for some really nice profits.

Besides learning how to fix your PSP, this PSP Repair Guide shows how can get the absolute most out of your PSP. Here are a few of the things that you will learn how to do:

1. Convert your DVD collection into Sony MP4 video format so they can play on your PSP.

2. How to browse the web

3. How to check your PSP for dead pixels

4. How to view ebooks

5. How to play PSP games online using your MAC.

I highly recommend the PSP Repair Guide for anyone that owns a PSP. One of the biggest reasons is because the problems listed in this article are all very common when it comes to the PSP, and Sony can charge you up to $125 to look at your PSP without even guaranteeing a fix. This guide will definitely save you some big bucks.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Starcraft 2 Guides

Click Here! for T Dub's Starcraft 2 secrets!

Also, Click Here! for Shokz guide to the mastery of Starcraft 2!

Starcraft 2 Mastery | - Free Articles - Article ...

The Shokz Guide is the complete Starcraft 2 Mastery Guide. The Starcraft 2 Guide is an in-depth guide teaching you how to master the Terran, Protoss, and Zerg. Learn the top strategies and play styles of all three races to earn your way to #1 rank Diamond.

Along with covering all three races and strategies the Starcraft 2 Guide has a complete campaign walkthrough guide. Our campaign walkthrough guide takes you through all missions with step-by-step instructions while preparing you for gameplay.

*The Terran Guide provides game changing strategies to take your game to the next level.

*The Protoss Guide will elevate your game, providing you knowledge & skill to play against's elite. Learn to attack and to counter while playing Protoss.

*The Zerg guide teaches you the top strategies and build orders to control the game as Zerg. This can be your most powerful asset.

*Play through the campaign with our step-by-step campaign walkthrough. The Campaign guide walks you through from start to finish with in-depth detail and screenshots.

*Starcraft 2 has the most advanced map editor Blizzard has made, providing you the ability to make some of the best custom maps around. Incredible advantage here.

*All Shokz Guide Members receive access to our member videos. You can watch videos and replays of Starcraft 2 explaining strategies and breaking down the replays teaching you the strategies used to achieve victory.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty from Blizzard Entertainment. PC Game Preview.

The original StarCraft, a PC game by Blizzard Entertainment that was released in 1998, quickly became the Cadillac game for online multiplayer real-time strategy gaming. Blizzard has finally announced the highly anticipated StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty will hit shelves July 27, 2010. Many fans, and the gaming community at large, are waiting anxiously, wondering if this sequel will capture the same balanced online play that originally immersed players in a world of lightning-fast competitive gaming.

Multiplayer gaming is enhanced by an integrated that offers matchmaking ladders that pair players up with other players suited to each other’s skill level. While playing the beta, I really enjoyed this new feature. After I played a couple of matches using the matchmaking ladder, started setting me up with players who offered me very competitive play. is further enhanced with leagues and other features that seem to make the previous century’s multiplayer support system very outdated and archaic.

Be warned though that StarCraft II will be only—absolutely no LAN play. The creators of the game justified this decision by stating that removing LAN will allow Blizzard to enhance the multiplayer experience for the Starcraft II player allowing game play to reach another level. What is certain about this situation is that with removed LAN, players will not be able to pirate the game and simply play it over a LAN connection or Hamachi.

Actual game play is similar to the original RTS with better 3D graphics. The strategy is somewhat primitive compared to newer titles like Company of Heroes or the Total War series. However, different tactics have made their way onto the battlefield, giving StarCraft II an element of strategy not reached in the original.

The game’s three famous races return: Terran, Protoss, and Zerg. Each has a unique feel with different and balanced strategies. The Zerg’s force comes from overwhelming numbers, the Protoss feature quality over quantity and the Terran embody mobility and deception.

The Terran race gives the player a playbook of hit-and-run strategies that the other races don’t have. Mobility is key with this race! Not that the other races aren’t mobile in their own unique ways, but Terrans have a higher level of tactical flexibility due to their unique mobile units. Even most Terran buildings are mobile, with the ability to launch into the sky and then land in new locations. One of my favorite units, a jet-pack infantry called “Reapers,” can quickly jump over walls and maneuver around obstacles to attack resource-gathering drones or high-cost buildings. Terrans also have an air unit called “Vikings,” anti-air fighters that can morph into a mobile gun battery. They make excellent raiders, as they can easily fly into an enemy’s base, transform into a killing machine to take out high value targets, then transform back into an air fighter and fly off, escaping retribution.

Terrans have units that can cloak such as the “AH/G-24 Banshee” a futuristic helicopter that devastates buildings and ground units. You can maneuver a fleet of these lethal sky hunters, cloaked, into a weak area of the enemy’s base and devastate everything below. When the enemy tries to counter your attack, simply retreat a safe distance and re-cloak . The “Ghost”—probably the most famous Terran unit in the original game—returns with a new ability to snipe enemy units, allowing the Ghost one-shot kills against an enemy’s valuable ground forces. Of course the Ghost can still cloak and potentially can rain down nuclear Armageddon on your opponent.

The Protoss wield powers that truly dwarf the other races, but their more powerful units cost substantially more resources and time (very valuable in this RTS) to produce than the other factions. Their basic unit, the “Zealot,” costs twice as much as the Terran “Marine,” and the Zerg get four “Zerglings” for what the Protoss must pay for one Zealot. Though the Protoss Zealot is powerful and can easily take on two Marines or four Zerglings, it is limited in what it can do in side roles, as Zealots are far too expensive to employ as scouts like the cheap Zerglings and can’t attack air units like the Marines do.

In the original StarCraft only the Zerg could be efficient and successful at rushing (a strategy whereby the player sacrifices economy to spawn multiple weak units in an attempt to overwhelm an opponent early in the game), but now with more balanced game play every race can rush successfully. While playing the beta I was overrun by every race, while playing every race, and vice versa. I found the Terran and Zerg easier to rush with, yet I feel the Protoss can defend against rushing more easily.

Despite the price and no matter what criticisms this game receives, it will be a must-buy for most hardcore fans of the legendary prequel StarCraft. If you enjoyed the original, then I urge you to buy the sequel: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty seems to recapture that special magic of its esteemed predecessor.

This is the fastest way to Master this game.